Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
New York Metropolitan Branch

339 Lafayette Street, New York, NY 10012 - (212) 533-2125


From Your Home
We are always looking for people willing to write letters to the editors of local papers about the issues that concern WILPF. Or consider throwing a houseparty to introduce WILPF to your friends and neighbors. Call us for more information.

Educate yourself and make your voice heard with article critique example apa!
Read the stories not easily found in mainstream media:
www.Congress.org allows you to see what your representatives are up to in Congress. Are they representing you? If they are, let them know you appreciate it. If not, let them know your views.

In the WILPF office

We are an all-volunteer organization. Come join the movement. WILPF needs You!

  • graphic and web design
  • grantwriting and fundraising
  • writing and editing our newsletter
  • research and administrative support
  • campus and community outreach
  • singing with the Raging Grannies
  • event planning
  • and more..